“To stay ahead of your competition you need to create a fast loading website with fresh and useful content for the audience, On-site optimization, proper use of keywords and their combination, internal linking etc. to get in the top 10 search results of Google.” Sometimes you need to hire an SEO Company for your project for very professional work to beat your competitors in SEO for better search engine ranking of your website.  

Tips to Beat Your Competitors in Search Engine Optimization

In 2019, the only quality website will be rank higher. If you want to improve your ranking then just focus on improvement in your website standard. Post useful and informative content in the website. If you are all set and your website is still not ranking on the first page of the search engine result page then check out these 5 amazing tricks you should do to beat your competitors.  

1. Monitor On-Page SEO of Your Competitors

Check out the on the page of competitors website and find out what title and description they are using for a particular keyword. Check the image alt tags, page load time, robots.txt file and page loading time of their website. Compare your on-site optimization from higher ranking websites on page optimization. Improve if there is an important thing you are missing.  

Know what your competitors are doing and how they are creating backlinks. What strategy is making them successful to rank higher in the search engine result page? Analyze the complete backlinks profile of competitors. Find out the different ways to boost up your back-link profile to rank up in the SERP. After the competitor’s research, you make the backlink strategy for the website.  

3. Plan Your Keyword Targeting Carefully

This is a very important thing should be focused more. If you don’t know your primary keywords and secondary keywords then this is the biggest reason for lower ranking. Target LSI keywords in your content. Use focus keyword in the beginning, in middle and in the ending of the text. Proper targeting of keywords in the content boost website ranking up in search engine result page. If you select wrong keywords for your web pages, then there is very few chances rank higher.  

4. Focus on Proper Content Creation

You already heard that “Content is the King”. If it is useful for your audience then it will be automatically rank higher in the SERP. Use of good title, headings, short paragraphs, images, video and other things. Include all the essentials elements in a page for better ranking. Create attractive content so that people stay on your page and take some action i.e. to lick on anchor text, scroll, click on image etc. If you able to engage your audience within your website pages it is good. It will increase the dwell time. If your content is informative and properly organized then it will be rank good in search engine result page.  

SEO is changing rapidly. A lot of changes has been done in SEO from start to end. Google releases a various update every day to reform the search results in the search engine result page. You need to stay updated with the trending techniques and changes in SEO.    


To beating, a competitor is not an easy task for a very new candidate in search engine optimization. They need a very experienced person who understand everything about the technical SEO and good in handling the complex project as well. If you are not able to find such a candidate then you can simply hire a SEO agency and assign your SEO and digital marketing work to them.