The consensus regarding the definition of DevOps is that it is a process that unifies the functions of software development and IT operations. These are not separate but interdependent entities that come together to put the software into production. Once you pass that definition, the debate continues on what exactly DevOps is because it can encompass many things. Read More- Top Web App Development Frameworks  

What is DevOps and Why is it important?

In PixelCrayons, we define DevOps as indicated above, but with the addition of all the tools, processes and people that come together to produce software that has the shortest time to market fewer errors and fewer costs. This trifecta is an engineer’s dream: faster, better and cheaper. To realize this dream, you can not ignore that there are always concessions between faster, better and cheaper. Would you like to fly on a plane that left the assembly line quickly and cheaply knowing that the quality was compromised? On the other hand, if you were in the airline business, how could you compete if you had the safest plane in the world, but it costs 50% more to operate and twice as much time to produce? This is the balancing act that the DevOps framework tries to solve in software production.   When your organization moves towards the development of a DevOps culture, it is a signal to all those involved in the production and launch of software that has an equal interest in the success of the company. It is an all-for-one mentality, one for all, that will break the communication barriers between the teams and make everyone responsible. Once the DevOps roles and responsibilities are implemented, positive changes will occur and everyone will win. The biggest winner is the end user of the software that it produces. They get software that does not fail because it was tested correctly in quality control. They do not have to wait for the functions they need because their ongoing integration / continuous implementation process (CI / CD) ensures that they get what they want as soon as possible. The most important thing is that now that you have selected the right tools and have automated much of the process of creating and launching the software, you can produce and operate your software for less. Those savings can be passed on to your customer and give him an advantage over his competition. In summary, when your client wins, you win.    

Final Note

DevOps brings together processes, people & technology, automating software product delivery in order to offer continuous value to your users. With our DevOps services & solutions, we deliver software faster and more reliably— no matter how big your IT department or what technologies & tools you are using. I hope you like this blog. If you have any query DevOps development & solutions please contact PixelCrayons.