Although there are many social media platforms today, Instagram is the most popular when it comes to successful marketing. The visual format; photos arranged in the grid format enable sellers to attract more customers. So make sure you upload the picture of your products such that your profile looks attractive to customers. Don’t scatter. Upload photos of a new product only when you are done with the previous one. Add details about each product in the caption. This makes your profile look more professional, and will help you make sales more easily.


Instagram allows paid advertisements for products. These advertisements appear in the news feed of the users. They come with a link to the Instagram profile of the seller or the website of the company. A classic, but full proof way of marketing a product is to insert the advertisement between anything the audience wants to watch. In the case of Instagram, these advertisements appear when a user is watching stories. They cannot be skipped, and are usually very short to prevent customers from being bored. A ‘continue watching’ option is added to these advertisements, in case a customer is interested and wants to watch more. Also, some popular SMM panel companies give Instagram promotion services.

Instagram stories are one of the most common ways of advertising a product. Sellers just have to upload a photo of the product along with details of the product. This will be as effective as putting the product up for display in a shop. Instagram has introduced a new feature where links to purchase the product can be directly attached to a picture of the product in the stories. The stories instruct viewers to ‘swipe up’ the screen to directly land on the website of the store, where they will be able to add their desired products to their carts and effectively place an order.

Shopping isn’t always time-consuming

Instagram offers a unique option that other social media websites don’t. Links can be attached or tagged directly to posts such that when a picture of a product is posted, tapping the photo of the product will show the viewer the price of the product. If the viewer is interested and would like to know more about the product, all he has to do is tap the price tag again. This will open a new window with more pictures of the product and also show the number of colors and sizes available in that particular product. This is one of the trendy marketing trends for Instagram that makes online shopping easier than it could ever be.


 There are many types of influencers on Instagram, so it won’t be very difficult for you to find an influencer whose work is somewhat related to your business. One of the main reasons for collaborating with an influencer is that they have huge numbers of followers. So, when they talk about your product in their profile, you will garner more popularity. Also, people have a habit of following the footsteps of their favorite celebrities. So, when a famous influencer advertises your products, the products are bound to be trending on Instagram.

Humor always does the trick

In this age, anything can be turned into a meme. If you manage to turn any of your products into a meme and post it with relevant and trending hashtags relating to your business, you are pretty much done. Nowadays, people accept humor in any form. Be it dark, or just plain, old school jokes, memes, and tweets have the capability of going viral in less than 24 hours. And people are interested in everything relating to memes. So if any of the memes relating to your products go viral, consider it sold out.

Connect with your target audience

Instagram has introduced a number of new features in their stories the past year. These include creating a poll, quiz, and letting your viewers ask you a question which you can answer either through direct message or publicly. These features will help you interact with your customers and let you know their demands. You can ask for reviews or create a poll to find out which product your customers like more. Getting feedback from your customers cannot be any easier than this, and hence, Instagram marketing is going to be at its peak this year.

A new perspective

In a world where videos were mostly captured in horizontal frames, Instagram managed to change the stereotype by introducing their IGTV, which means Instagram Television. IGTV supports vertical videos, enabling the use of mobile phones in recording videos. This makes advertisements much more economical and convenient, especially for small startups. Presenting your advertisement to customers will be much easier and effective since all you need is a mobile phone to get you going.

Nothing beats an Instagram live

The Instagram live feature basically means you will be able to talk to audiences live, without having to upload a video later. Instagram will send a notification to your followers the moment you start life, and your followers will be able to ask questions or give feedback instantly. You will be able to read the comments and reply in life itself, which saves a lot of time. Apart from that, customers can get the closest to getting to see you, the seller in person, which increases their faith in the authenticity of your products. In conclusion, these are the top marketing trends of Instagram in 2020, which will help your eCommerce business reach new heights. Just follow these trends and you will never run out of business.

Author Bio:

Eugene M. Frye Social Media Marketing Researcher & Writer at Go2Top Panel