Hence it won’t be wrong to say even though coming up with a great app idea is tough, but what’s even tougher is to find a great mobile app developer, who helps you and your business in creating and developing a brilliant app. In case you work in haste and don’t put enough efforts while choosing a mobile app developer then you are at a great risk of making a wrong choice. This would certainly prove harmful to your business and make things critical in the future. So, if you are planning on hiring a skilled and experienced app developer then be mindful of several important aspects, which we would talk about here. Now speaking on Android, well, in the arena of mobile app development, it is among the fastest growing markets in recent times. Due to its wide offering and variability, Android holds a prominent place among various IT offerings. Be it immensely popular ‘instant messaging’ or the Gaming Apps, Android has successfully offered magnificent results in the form of various apps. Hence, while on your chase to Hire Android App Developer of Android app Development Company, do consider the below-mentioned things.   Search Online Aim to choose few of the most reliable and experienced developers in your work area. Start off by creating a list of the developers you think will best suit your work.   Select a Platform for your App First and Foremost, decide which platform you want to create an app, whether Android, iOS or Windows or all of them. You must also decide if you want to develop a native app or app using a framework like PhoneGap. Mostly, simple apps can be created on PhoneGap, but apps with too much functionality and require scaling in future should be ideally developed using native app development. Even though a number of app developers create apps just for a single platform, but it is easy to search for developers who will be able to develop for all three platforms. You can hire Android app developers, iPhone app developers or mobile app developers developing apps for all platforms.   Past Clients Reference Once you find a developer of your interest it is vital to carry on a background check. Look into the kind of apps that have been developed by the developers in the past and access their success rate. Also, it pays well to check their past clients and get references for analyzing how they talk about their experience with the developer.   Strive to Build Strong and Lasting Relationship The app development process is not a one-time activity, thus while choosing an app developer, look for the one who will be able to stay with you through the product development period. It always pays off well to have a good and long-term working relationship with the developer.   Assessment of Right Skills While developing an app, a developer may do the coding using various languages, which is not a favorable situation. Hence, you should choose the one who is able to write codes that link to the services chosen by you. The prominent languages comprise of Objective-C (for Apple’s iOS), and Java (for Android). Both of these languages are a lot harder than the common web languages like Ruby and PHP, hence can’t be mastered.   Opt for Quality over Pricing Looking for cheaper options has never done anyone any good. It is the complexities on which the project cost depends. Like in case you need to create a gaming app, then be sure that it will be an expensive affair due to the involvement of complex coding in it. Instead, focus on the quality. Your app should be user-friendly and must not be low-quality at any cost. Or else, in the long run, you should be ready to bear more expenses.   App Development is not just about coding Even though coding is a crucial aspect of application design, but it is certainly not everything. Your application needs to have a user-friendly interface that users find easy and convenient to navigate. At the same time, the app must look attractive enough such that it is able to stand out among the apps of your competitors.   Give value to Experience When you opt for an experienced developer, s/he is certain to make fewer mistakes and will be able to understand your requirements more efficiently as compared to newbies. An expert developer in the arena of enterprise mobility will be quite keen on showing you their past work and the apps which they developed, even those that aren’t included in their portfolio. Verifying the work and experience of the developer whom you are keen on hiring for mobile app development would be ideal. The right developer will also discuss with you the challenges that are going to come your way to make your mobile app a success. It is easy to find a number of reliable app development companies out there in the market, who other than app development services, also offer mobile website design and a wide range of services for ongoing application maintenance with the help of quality app developers. They serve numerous industries, such as banking, finance, retail, healthcare, and media, according to your need.