If you are thinking to give your business a big boost in 2019, then keep SEO marketing on the top of the things-to-do list. In today’s competitive world, SEO marketing has taken over every other marketing modes. Hiring special specialists for making a perfect SEO strategy is now given prime importance in every organization. In 2019, there is an immense possibility to see more tools, more techniques and many impeccable SEO strategies that can efficiently take businesses to new heights. Here are the 6 most effective SEO strategies that are sure to make a big move in 2019.  

Top 6 SEO Strategy Key Essentials That Will be Big in 2019

As we already know how important is the online existence in this era, having a website, writing blogs or having an online store is not sufficient. SEO is the key to grow any business and to reach business goals with ease. Stay with us while we discuss all SEO strategy key essentials here;  

Know your Audience, their interests, and user Intent

The marketing strategy should be based on what your audience want and expect from you. Try to know what type of content they like to see. Whether you can impress them via images, videos, audios or text, keep their preferences clear enough before doing anything for them. Draft the content based on user intent. Think about these questions before anything else;

Know who is your target audience?What are their likes and dislikes?What do they expect from you?What are their needs?

Answers of all these questions will help you make the right path for SEO marketing strategy. If you have optimized every single content on your website, blogs, and other mediums, but they are focusing on the wrong audience, you will not get the desired results. Hence, first focus should be knowing your target audience and the user intent.  

Prioritized navigation of the website pages

The user will reach the right page only if you have done proper navigation. Navigation can be considered as one of the important factors we need to focus on. Finding out the highly ranked keywords and linking them correctly from the navigation menu is the right thing to do. If these links are found everywhere on your website, it will look really important in the search engine giant Google’s eyes. Proper placement of useful links throughout the website adds a lot of weight and this is why navigation is considered one of the most essential structural elements.  

Authentic, Evergreen and Trustworthy content

A good SEO strategy is incomplete without good content. Content plays a crucial role in gaining the user’s attention and this is why you should be very careful while drafting any kind of content for the website. According to the updates of Google’s algorithm in 2018, Google evaluates content quality more than ever and this affects the google ranking to a great extent.

AuthenticInformativeTrustworthyYou should show only true factsEvergreen and aliveMust contain keywords to help users understand that they are on the right page.Interesting and exceptional that make user read your content.Along with this, you must use the right tools and should portray that content to the right audience to gain relevant traffic.

So, focus on every single sentence, length, and breadth of your content. In a research analysis on content and its effect on business, it has been revealed that brands who wrote authentically and evergreen content in their websites, blog, etc. scored high rankings on Google. In 2019, we are expecting to see the value of good content going much higher than our expectation and Google will keep giving content quality high priority while ranking any website.  

A prominent ratio of the worldwide population gives more value to voice search and this has become a crucial element now. Many reputed organizations are now implementing voice recognition software and AI Assistants to ease their target customers’ interaction with them.  The voice search option gives a friendlier feel to users and they can instantly search what they are looking for. The only thing that we have to keep in mind is to give all users an accurate answer, that too in a user-friendly manner. One of the best examples of voice search is Google Assistant and Siri in Apple devices. Both of them are a viable option and make many tasks automated by going beyond just automating the search options. In 2019, we would definitely see more demand and love for AI assistants and voice search facilities. Chatbots have become more common in websites as well as social media platforms. With this facility, organizations can provide better and enhanced customer service to their existing as well as potential customers. The customers can get answers to their concerns faster than those traditional ways of customer services. If you incorporate the SEO strategy with AI technology, it will give your users proper navigation, and ease in doing business with you. It will definitely increase the conversion rate also.  

On-page optimization

In 2018, On-page optimization was given high priority and it will continue in 2019 also. It is because nothing can be on-page optimization’s importance. SEO strategies without on-page optimization seem impossible now. A very experienced technical SEO expert at Merkle. Alexi Sanders have mentioned many key take ways for on-page optimization. Take a look. It might help you also.

Indulge in the content that can efficiently answer your customer’s doubts and questionsMake sure that the internal site search is ending into relevant and right results.Empower old customers to restock their shopping itemsMake the conversion process shortFast customer serviceUtilize chatbots to give answers to all common questions to your customers without a hitch.


Invest more in Live Videos and Social media platforms

The revolutionary increase in people using various social media platforms is not hidden. Every next person is active on one or the other social media channels and the content on those platform influences most of the users, especially live videos. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or any other social media platform, live videos are everywhere. We can often spot live streaming of different shows in many social media channels. Live videos have become one of the widely used marketing modes. SEO strategies that include video marketing with live videos on various social media platforms will undoubtedly give exceptional business growth results in 2019.    

Wrapping up

Digital marketing has come a long way, so is the SEO, and it will continue to grow in 2019 also. Be ready to see many new SEO strategies and techniques coming up this year for better optimization. All the key essentials that we discussed today are must-haves in every SEO strategy and will give better digital marketing results for sure.