From all of the powerful tools, Plug-ins are one of the dynamic tools that make WordPress as the leading choice for the webmasters. Plug-ins can enhance the functionality of websites from basic to dynamic. WordPress provides almost 50,000 Plug-ins that could be used with suitable WordPress themes, such as, for, forms, E-commerce development, SEO, social media, etc. But it is imperative to choose the right Plug-in that suits the functionality of website requirements. Lousy Plug-in can complicate the interface and slows down the website as well. But the main risk is that it can create a security risk and allow hackers to harm your website. So, it is vital to keep in mind some of the following things before installing and activating any plug-in.  

Points to Remember Before installing Plugins

1. Too much to choose from

It is a challenge to pick one Plug-in from plenty of choices. You should have a little knowledge of the plug-in functionality so that you can choose the appropriate one. The suitability can be checked by analyzing the great reviews and high ratings. It will help you in one way or the other.  Avoid the plug-ins with poor reviews and ratings. One thing that should also be considered that the plug-in with two or three ratings shows the insignificance of that Plug-in. So, choose wisely!  

2. Security Check

There is a possibility that Plug-ins like theme contain malicious code. The plug-ins should be checked and reviewed from the external website as well after analyzing it from their website for the malicious code. It is suggested that the plug-ins should get checked from the WordPress website for safety assurance.  The website which is already into the demolishing state should add the secure plug-ins to get protected from unauthorized users.  

3. Plug-ins can accelerate the speed

Being an internet user, we all want our webpage to load within a few seconds. If it has not loaded, then the visitors leave the website.  Page loading speed is an important factor but often neglected. The reason lies in poor coding of plug-in and heavy media sizes. These issues increase the size of every page that in turn increase the webpage load time. WordPress provides the Plug-ins that lay out the reasons for slow loading pages and helps to optimize the website. Website visitors always appreciate the speedy loading page.  

4. Test run

After choosing the Plug-in, it is advisable to run a test locally before uploading the plug-ins to the website. This test will help you to analyze the functionality of the plug-in. Factors, such as appealing, desired functionality, interacting should be checked after running the test.  And, in the case when you find that the plug-in is not working well then pick another one and perform the same test. Do not take a risk to upload a plug-in directly to your live website without executing the test.  

5. Say no to outdated Plug-ins

Do not use the outdated plug-in for your website. You should check the plug-in functionality with the latest WordPress version. The outdated plug-in can throw your website in the maintenance mode.  Every second of suspension can harm your blog badly.  

6. Developer Credibility

Developer credibility can be checked from the ratings of the plug-in, the number of downloads and from the reviews. The expected ratings and the reviews of the plug-ins define their credibility. Developers ensure the maintenance of the plug-ins and provide the support for the one who installs them. The plug-ins developed by the developers are usually functional and are free from malicious code.  

Wrapping Up

There is no doubt that Plug-ins can improve the performance of the website and provide you fruitful results.  But be cautious while installing a new plug-in. As it may destroy or improve your website functionality. Ratings and reviews are significant for selecting an appropriate one. The compatibility of the plug-in should be checked with the new version of WordPress.