Moreover, while we are here let’s discuss how iOS is a leading name in the market? That’s because Apple has ensured it serves as the quintessence of innovation. So, today, let’s visit some of the most popular technology trends that are set to shape the future of iOS app development.  


Research expects that in 2020, the world will have nearly 31 billion IoT devices, with the figure expected to further increase by almost 2.5 times to more 75 billion by the end of 2025. So, it makes sense that iOS has also thrown its hat in the ring that is the development of IoT-based apps. Apple has already launched HomeKit — an offering aimed at encouraging both IoT app development as well as home automation.  

Artificial intelligence

At this point, artificial intelligence is so prevalent that it barely counts as news. However, what Apple and iOS app developers are doing with it remains an interesting point of discussion. Interestingly both, App and developers, have already been experimenting the opportunities proffered by the union of Siri with artificial intelligence. Also as far as iOS apps go, if they get integrated with Siri, it is possible to ensure they are available in the shortcut app section with the Sirikit. Such an integration stands to help users quickly access an app’s features via Siri. Oh, and also watch out for WatchOS apps integrated with Siri, because trust us when we say this — they are coming!  

AR and VR

With both AR and VR having established themselves as forces to be reckoned with, it isn’t surprising to see Apple strive to leverage them too. E.g., the ARKit 2, which, other than AR apps, it also empowers iOS app developers to build apps with the ability to allow users to share their experience with others.  


It is of the utmost importance when it comes to mobile app development, and the popularity of its devices supports Apple’s focus. Apple has made App Transport Security (ATS) a mandate for all new apps to ensure their security. However, since the company is so dedicated to the protection, it brings in improved iterations of iOS every year that help users to rest further assured that their devices and data are impervious to attacks by hackers.  


Swift 4 was released among much fanfare and continues to gain popularity among developers since it is easy to learn and makes it quite easy to develop simple apps. It is why, experts believe that the use of Swift for not just iOS, but also tvOS and macOS, will grow substantially over the next few years.  

Apple Pay

Seeing how mobile wallets are an integral part of the digital experience today, Apple Pay offers unparalleled security. It is gaining more and more popularity with every passing day. Moreover, since it allows users to eliminate the need to save their debit/credit card details and gets supported by iPhones, iPads, Apple Watch, and MacBooks, experts expect a substantial hike in the number of Apple Pay integrations in the future. Such developments in the world of technology are a daily affair. It implies that businesses have to stay updated with the latest developments in the market. It is equally vital to hire a renowned custom ios app development company to make sure that your business iOS app incorporates all these trends and more to deliver the best experience to users!