Consider email marketing trends, which prevail in 2019.  

Creating email marketing content: Things to keep in mind 

The topic of emails plays a big role. Just looking at the topic, the subscriber can decide to open an email or ignore it. Follow three general rules to succeed:

Do not mislead the recipient. All that is written in the subject should be in the letter;Don’t be wordy. Just provoke the curiosity of the recipients to make it interesting for them to read the letter;In the beginning, place the keywords that reflect the meaning. It’s due to the fact that most people view mail on mobile devices, where a limited number of characters are displayed.Include the preheader. It reveals the meaning of the headline and gives more information about what is in the letter. If you don’t fill this field yourself, email providers will simply display the beginning of your letter. Sometimes, it looks inappropriate: “View the letter in the browser.” Such a message immediately after the topic looks careless.


Without corporate identity, you will be lost among competitors. Opening the letter, the subscriber must understand exactly who it came from. This is facilitated by the design of templates in the corporate style. Be sure to place the logo in the layout of the letter and make a design using corporate colors. Also, the design of the landing page must match the design of the email marketing letter. The landing page should look like a natural continuation of the newsletter. It’ll be comfortable for the perception of the subscriber when he or she follows the link to the page from the email.


Use tests to know what your target audience needs

A/B testing is a great way to improve email marketing with little resources and no risk. To do this, you create several distribution options to check which version fits your target audience best. This technique helps to identify what is going to provide more open ability, clickability, and conversions. Conduct a test and see how small changes in the emails affect the performance. Using tests, you’ll determine which email text, CTA and other techniques for attracting clients are suitable for your target audience. Knowing the information that brings results, you can easily create emails with a strong text that sells. Even simple testing and subsequent optimization of the results can improve the important indicators of email marketing and increase the company’s revenues. No time to write interesting letters? Entrust this task to expert writers and enjoy the guaranteed success.