Here are a few tricks that you can use to get free and genuine likes on Facebook; however they might not be instant! By using these methods you will be able to build a big following, but this will happen gradually. This is where we step in, by choosing Constantlikes, you can get instant ‘real likes’ on FB and all you have to do is pay a small amount! Read on!  

Invite your friends:

Does everyone have to start somewhere, right? So, once your page is ready, begin by inviting your friends to like the page. If you have a contact list on Gmail or any other email service, import them to your FB page. For people who have you have a long list of friends, it is better to download free Google Chrome plug-in; with this plug-in, you will be able to send invites to all your friends with a single click.  

Encourage social sharing:

Once the invites have been sent, you will start getting likes; so the important next step is to retain the user for which you need to make sure that the content on your website is engaging. The website should also have social media sharing buttons so that users can share the article. While sharing the post you can also ask the readers to share and like the post. This step is important as it will give you the chance to attract more friends & new likes.  

Add the website URL to your FB page & online cross-promotion:

Adding a website URL is essential; it is a great way to direct the user to your website.  Also, to reach more people, keep in mind that you should also create your business pages in other social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram and so on, and add your FB page’s a link on these account’s bios.  

Turn on Similar page suggestions & interact with these pages

This requires a lot of effort and time but can be really helpful in the long run. Once you are following a page, you can grab their attention by mentioning them in your posts, or you can ask these established pages for some help in promoting your page.  

Content is king! Engagement is queen!

After all this, it is the content which will retain your users and force them to hit like or share. You can make your content engaging by using different approaches – storytelling, use games, riddles and so one – to generate something that people will love to share.  

— Find groups on FB that match your niche & share posts

Look for groups on Facebook which are similar to your page or business & have huge numbers of members. Join such groups and share posts. People who will find your product or page useful will follow or like the page. And this is when the previous steps help them to reach your website or know more about your business.   These tricks are meant for beginners who have recently created an FB page and are looking for ways to increase their likes. These steps will definitely get you started. But you must note that implementing these steps will takes a lot of time and effort, and it take years before the results start showing. Then why wait so long when Constantlikes can help you to Get Real likes for facebook in simple ways. Though we will not help you in creating the FB page and creating viral content, we can definitely help you in finding the right promotion. And, more followers mean new possibilities! So choose Constantlikes, just like FB advertising we help you gain real likes and followers, it is just that our packages are more on the ‘value for money’ side!! Share, and keep checking for more; this is the first installment of the many articles to come.