Business and firms more often than not look for app development solutions to get there business and transactions rolling. Android app development, iOS app development, Windows app development are some of the common development solutions that firms ask for. On technical front node js app development, JavaScript-based app development, clone app development are some of the common aspects of the app development ecosystem. Talking about the need for fast and scalable website node js application development has emerged as a popular option these days. The scalability (ability of the app to fit various screen size), faster and smooth operation of the app is what that users demand. Node. js development caters to all these by combining itself with the effect of Javascript based coding and development. Now, for those of you who are not aware of the term node js let me tell you that node js is an effective platform for building fast and scalable server application using JavaScript. JavaScript being a lightweight programming language with first-class functions goes well with node js as a platform. If you are eyeing to get a node.js app development or are someone who is into app and web development then we have got some exciting information for you. As you might have got the idea from the title itself we are going to discuss some of the best tips to build node. js app. Sit, back relax and carry on reading as we go on to discuss these awesome tips and techniques. Let’s go.

Get it secured

Cybersecurity and security breaches have been on the rise these days. Users are looking for apps that can provide a safe secure environment for their data/information. While developing a Node.js application make sure to address all the vulnerabilities on the security front. To ensure that vulnerabilities are removed from the app, developers can use the Node security platform to get an insight into the security vulnerabilities.

Test and monitor   

While building and developing an app conducting test and trials is a usual process. However, very few of the developers go for a pilot run in the public domain. Conduct a pilot run of the app and monitor its operations when users interact with it to detect and remove the errors and bugs on time before they get pointed out by the users. Monitoring and testing is not only a one time before publication task. To ensure that the app remains in top notch regular monitoring and testing is what that one as a developer should opt for.


A node.js framework is an abstract design that embodies the control flow of given framework design. To understand the role of framework better take an example of the human skeleton and the role that it plays in our life. So, to choose the best framework is one of the most fundamental things that you shouldn’t miss on. Some of the best and popular framework that you can use for node js app development includes: •    Express.js •    Hapi.js. •    Koa.js •    Mojito.js •    Salis.js


To better handle the async events and to get simplified code bases one must opt for Async-await. Incorporated in node.js 8 the Async-await has offered a lot of facilities to developers that were stuck with handling the code bases.

Participate in open source development

This might be something you as a developer might have thought of earlier as well but never got time for it. A developer faces certain issues during the development for which he needs some answer or insight. While developing applications in node.js you might be faced with some development or concept related issues. To discuss and learn about those issues in a holistic and wholesome manner open source project is the best way. Participate in open source projects and start working on the area of your interest. Doing this would help you to get benefits from the experience and skills of the fellow coders while sharing your own. The added benefits of coding skill enhancement are not to forget as well. We, hope you enjoyed reading this write up and might have learned some practical tips for getting an awesome node.js app developed. To share your thoughts please connect with us through the comment section below. Stay tuned for more such exciting content.