Before proceeding to the Guide let me tell give you a tip so that you can crack a worthy deal. Before buying any product make sure you have checked its price on different e-commerce webs. Thanks to dozens of sellers available on the internet. Now talking further about our guide.  

Guide for Perfect Smartwatch 



The very first feature that you need to check in a smartwatch before buying it. Compatibility of a watch will tell you whether it will work with your smartphone or not. For example, Apple smartwatch can’t be connected to an Android Device. Thus, it’s a must for you as a customer to check whether the watch can be operated through your Smartphone.



The display is another important aspect of a Smartwatch. Most of the cheap watch doesn’t have a bright and vibrant display. Going for a watch that has a dull display will lead you to visibility issues under sunlight. Apart from this, if in 2018 you are picking a smartwatch with big bezels then I don’t think it’s a worthy deal for you. You need to check whether the watch’s Display doesn’t have big bezels. As in the era of the bezel-less smartwatch, those borders can cause irritation and it might happen that watch didn’t give you appropriate satisfaction.



After shortlisting some smartwatches on the basis of the above-mentioned criteria’s, its time to eliminate the watch that doesn’t have an easy and clean user Interface. The Smartphones that we are using right now are capable enough to execute any task we want in just a few clicks. if you will buy a smartwatch that requires lots of efforts and creates hustle in order to execute anything then its again not worthy for you. You to pick a smartwatch that offers everything in just a few clicks. Another thing that you need to look in the smartwatch is that whether it is operated through touch or buttons


Water resistivity and other features 

If you want a single solution to all your requirements like you to need a fitness tracker as well as you need a watch for official use then, you have to select a rigid watch that can survive natural tortures. Your ideal smartwatch needs to be water resistant or waterproof. Along with this, it should have the features of a fitness tracker. So, these were the main aspects that you should look on a smartwatch in order to get the best one for you. Besides all these, you can have a look over the battery life of the watch and if it offers one-week battery backup then you can buy it. Hope this best buying guide for smartwatch will be helpful for you.