For a business that has just kicked off, the requirement of email lists is very important or in other words, email engagement really helps during the initial days of brand marketing. It might come as a surprise to many that Instagram has the ability to drive and boost email engagement programs. If you are wondering how this image-heavy and visual-sharing platform consisting of mostly the young guns can bolster email marketing, here is a guide that will make you understand by discussing the various aspects of this unconventional yet fruitful synergy.  

Why Instagram Above All Other Existing Channels?

When you think of an exclusive solution to your brand’s successful marketing campaign, you have to think of a platform where they are most engaged and access daily. With over 800 million active users and more than 80 million posts being shared every day on the channel, it is pretty much clear like water why Instagram is currently the key to a brand’s success in their online marketing campaign. Thanks to these mind-boggling stats, there are many credible sources on the Internet that have emerged out to deliver more engaging content and allow you to buy real Instagram likes. Such benefits justify why email marketers have abandoned other platforms to use Instagram as the best solution for their marketing campaigns.  

How to Make the Most of Instagram for Boosting Email Marketing and Engagement?

With more than 200 billion emails being generated every day that infiltrates the inboxes of users all over the world, it is definitely a commendable and challenging endeavor to bring a click out of that. Marketers who have brilliantly acknowledged the potential of Instagram are now designing their marketing strategies by merging the best of both worlds. Generally speaking, there are many emails that are outfitted with links leading to the social media pages of brands, although it has been found that generating a live feed renders a greater impact. This is possible with Instagram by getting your emails transformed and made more visually appealing through the addition of a live feed to your email marketing templates. The best part of this synergy is that content keeps on updating real-time which is the most powerful weapon you can have in your marketing arsenal; for driving more engagement. With fresh and relevant content being delivered in your email marketing campaign through Instagram, users will automatically find it ideal to connect with your business.  


Finally, Instagram with email marketing allows you to convey your brand’s message in a more innovative and creative way. Engage new followers and gain more email sign-ups is just the starting phase of this synergy, as the future definitely seems brighter and one can expect more from this amalgamation.