1. Absence of indexation

If the site or its individual pages fell out of the index, then users do not see them in the SERP and do not go to the site. To make sure that the search engine does not index your site, go to the search engine and enter the query “site: address_our_site”. As a result, you will see the pages that are now in the search engine index (or you will not see anything if the site completely dropped out of the index). How to return a site to the index? Check robots.txt, whether there is somewhere prohibiting the indexing of individual pages or partitions (Disallow: /). By the way, the ban on indexing can be on the page itself (the tag “noindex”). Other reasons for the fallout may not be so obvious, for example, it happens that from the indexation drops out a site that has not been updated for a long time.  

2. Getting under the filters

The site can fall out of indexation because of sanctions, which, in turn, are imposed due to pseudo-or over-optimization. Sanctions are manifested in the form of a site hit by filters. They are designed to combat search spam, when sites and pages go to the top of the issuance, not for natural reasons, but because of the use of optimization techniques. For example, because of the suspiciously frequent use of the keyword phrase in articles, the site can get under Yandex’s Baden-Baden filter, and because of the huge amount of SEO-links – “leave” for Minusinsk. Check if the site is under the filter, you can in the webmasters ( Yandex Webmaster , Google Analytics ).  

3. Infection with viruses

Viruses – another reason why search engines can exclude a site from the issuance, adding it to the blacklist. Browsers will also warn users about malicious content, showing the appropriate tablets when trying to go to the resource. Attendance immediately falls significantly – and it is not alone: the loyalty of users will also decrease, like trust. For online stores, this can be a very important point. Therefore, the site should be checked regularly for viruses and, at the first detection, immediately treated. After that, you need to wait for re-indexing pages by search engines.  

4. Changes on the site

Any modernization of the site can both positively and negatively affect the position of the site in the search results. It is clear that no one expects negative consequences – but they must also be remembered. More often, subsidence in traffic is observed after major changes – deleting pages, changing navigation, links, articles, and so on. Particular attention should be paid to redirects if the changes concern URLs. What should I do after making changes? Wait for the search bots to index your site again. This can take a few weeks to a couple of months.  

5. Incorrect use of keywords

When selecting keywords, it is important that: a) they corresponded to what the target audience enters into the search engine; b) they did not argue among themselves on several pages. If there is a situation on the site where several pages are optimized for the same keywords, then all of them will compete among themselves in the issue – and because of this lose weight. The conclusion is only one – optimize wisely.  

6. Incorrect micro-markup

A microdisplay is a useful tool that allows you to make content more understandable for search engines. Focusing on micro-markup, search bots make conclusions about the content of the site, which positively affects the promotion of the resource in the issuance. Using micro-markup, you can create a commodity snippet: it will display information about the product and the company. It would seem, set up once and forgot – what difficulties can there be? In fact, the contents of the micro-markup also need to be watched – if something changes on the site, then most likely, the micro-markup will need to be edited, it should display the most up-to-date information.  

7. Competition

Not always competitors are fighting honestly (unfortunately). Sometimes competitors can harm your site by bringing it under sanctions. The fight against this is the same as in those cases when you bought the site under the filter yourself. Just remember that you can buy a lot of links for your site and inexperienced SEO-shnik, and a dishonest competitor – and you, as a result, get a link explosion and sanctions from search engines. However, there are situations and vice versa, when the positions of your site are falling due to the increase in the position of the competitor’s site, as it is better optimized, it has good behavioral factors and so on. Despair is not necessary – you need to continue to work on your site to surpass them.  

8. The fall in interest

Finally, the drop in traffic can be the result of changes in the interests of users. Skiing and skating people are interested in the winter – with the advent of spring interest in sports inventory is falling, as is traffic. Be upset about this, not worth it – with the onset of the next winter season, attendance will again necessarily grow.

It happens that interest falls regardless of the season, but simply over time: the “boom” for a product or topic ends, and attendance begins to fall.  


The drop in traffic can be the result of a variety of actions and not only on your part. The main thing to remember about is that you are attentive to site optimization, only contact qualified experts and always think about users, because in the end everything is done for them. Good luck!