Currently, there are 335 million users on Twitter, along with 1 million people who use Instagram daily and 2.23 million users on Facebook. In that light, we can conclude that a lot of your potential customers are scattered among these social media sites, and you have to tap them. Though you may have a lot of followers on these various social media accounts, are you getting enough engagement and interactions in these platforms?  If not, then its time to pump up your social media game. Be it Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, or Instagram, you need to make yourself available in front of more and more people in order to grow your business in the current times.  With just a few simple tweaks and tips you can make your lonely social media accounts the buzzing hub of interactions and activities. Here are 6 tips that can be of your use:  

Using the Right Tools

In order to improve your presence on the various social media channels, you have to post on the various social media handles, daily in an optimal time. In fact, according to many studies, a business should tweet at least 15 times a day. But obviously, a business owner cannot log in and log off from the social media accounts 15 times a day. Thus you need some tools to do the job for you. There are various scheduling tools like Hootsuite and Buffer that you can use to schedule your tweets and Facebook posts. Not only that, you can handle multiple social media accounts with the use of these tools, post during optimum times and such. Such tools can help you greatly improve your social media presence.  

Concentrate on Customer Servicing

Social media is the newest platform that can be used for customer servicing. Many customers do not like waiting for hours or sometimes days to get feedback from the business they are working with to get their issues resolved.

Under such circumstances, they turn to various social media accounts to get help from the brands. Over 54 percent of customers prefer to interact via social media than through emails or calls. Thus, in addition to focusing on the sales, you have to focus on the component of customer servicing as well. You can get a Facebook chat box to answer questions in your absence. It is a known fact that customers prefer to do business with brands who have a good customer servicing record.  

Make It A Point To Promote All Your Social Media Handles

It will be silly to expect that your customers will go on a search for all the social media channels that you have. You have to tell them about it. You have to make it easy for the customers to follow you on the various social media channels and be rest assured that they will take some action. In that light, focus on growing your Instagram followers. Use the stories, highlights, and hashtags to get real followers who will be interested in your business. For setting up your initial fan base you can even consider buying Instagram followers for solidifying your presence on the platform.  

You need to create a stock of the topics that are trending on various social media. For instance, the hashtags on Twitter can help you know what is trending for the day. It is just like SEO, the hashtag here act as keywords. Once you use those in your posts, you immediately get engagement. In addition to that, try to optimize your social media posts using optimized SEO tricks so as to get more people to see them and take necessary actions. If you don’t know how to do it right, then outsource your efforts to a pro digital marketing company. As they for sure know the right tricks of making you visible online. Do not be beaten if the hashtags of the day suggested by Twitter has got nothing to do with the business that you run. There can be a few generic posts on your feed as well. Everything doesn’t have to be strictly business based.  

Provide Catchy Visuals

It becomes extremely difficult to make your post noticeable in a crowded social media feed where everyone is so active. There is only one way that you can use to grab the attention of your potential customer, by the use of catchy visuals. Keep away from sharing very boring pictures. Think about sharing things that your customers will like.  

Engage With Your Audience on A Regular Basis

How would you feel if someone does not respond to your texts on a daily basis? No so good right? The same applies to customers. If you do not react or respond to their messages or comments on your social media posts they will stop doing it. This will result in zero engagement in your posts and your brand image will get hampered. So make it a point to engage with your clients. Make good use of these tricks to stand out and to ace your social media presence in 2019!