It is plain to see that Internet Marketing is very much relevant and only becoming increasingly so. Didn’t the figures make a believer out of you? We’ll give you six more reasons to put you on the digital path:  

PPC has great value

In 2018, PPC marketing changed everything! It even led to Google processing more than 40,000 searches every second. You may have heard rumors regarding keywords. Marketers relying on laser-targeted keywords to get the most out of this channel are now fearing the technique is becoming obsolete. But the end isn’t here yet. Sure, there may be an industrial paradigm shift in the future, but such transformations take time. Keywords are a part of the foundation of PPC marketing, and they will remain so for the next five years or so. Want your PPC campaign to perform well? Then use the keywords for better targeting of your audience.  

Mobile media marketing is evergreen

We spend most of the day exchanging one device for the other. Consequently, mobiles have gained considerable importance in digital marketing. Early in 2018, Google rolled out mobile-first indexing. It ranks sites with a better display on mobiles higher on Google as compared to the ones that do not. You can be sure that while the shapes and sizes of mobile devices might change, they will remain relevant to marketing.  

The Internet is for more than just browsing

We use the internet for more than entertainment. It has now become an invaluable information source. For instance, most people will check their Twitter feed for news instead of the paper every morning. With a click or more, they can even customize the feed to show what they are most interested in and that too, in real time. Thus, the internet provides you with a new way of interacting with your audience. Do you see that stopping any time soon?  

Create love and loyalty with social media

Building on the previous point, you can get your followers to be loyal to you by interacting with them on social media. Your focus should be on being responsive to the people and building enduring relationships. With social media expertise, your company can be answering complaints from customers more quickly, solving their issues, and promote brand loyalty. Websites like Twitter and Facebook can be more than a way to increase your own site’s visibility and leading traffic back to it. The more one on one interactions your brand can generate, the more meaningful they will be for your customers. Social media also increases your reach, and once you have your followers, they will promote your brand as much as you do!  

SEO is still relevant

But you might need to change tactics. Before content production was crucial, then things changed, and quality content became essential to success. Now, the internet is saturated with content, which means the content your business produces needs to be relevant, well-written, and engaging. Consider this though, if your brand isn’t yet as established as the other giants of your industry, then you will need more than good content to stand out. After all, the famous brands would already be recognized as authorities, and your content might get buried. That is where strategies of search engine optimization, such as back-linking, keywords, and faster website load time will come into play.  

Use your social media profile to rise through Google’s ranks

Finally, don’t think of your social media profile as just a way of interacting with your consumers. Use it to up your brand’s ranking in the search listings. You might have noticed that the profiles of brand names show up in the top spots in listings when you search them. Thus, you can leverage the company’s profiles to show off its personality. If you want to come across as fun and personal, then your posts should be created around that message. In fact, your consumers are as likely to click on your company’s profile on social media as they are on the website. That means your social profile matters to Google because it is important to your potential customers. When they look you up online, they might head for your company’s Twitter or Facebook account. Finally, while Google+ might have been taken as a non-essential social channel and is going away soon, your digital marketers shouldn’t discount it just yet. Your profile on it is the first thing any searcher will see. So, keep it up to date. Internet marketing is not dying anytime soon. Therefore, you should start using it to get word about your company out!