The Internet has created an educational revolution, especially through various mobile devices and apps of course. Android is the number one apps provider in the world to date and utilizing this operating system is a smart move for anyone to get practical help for education. As Android users, we will always be spoiled by Google as the Internet giant is always providing and encouraging updates for every application made. Hopefully, this article can provide some useful knowledge for improving the quality of education as a student even as a teacher too. Just read and you can do some improvisation. The emergence and evolution of mobile devices today are a fact and many teachers in various subjects are adapting to not be left out of this accelerated digital evolution. Biology, physics, language, and mathematics are perfect subjects to integrate smartphones or tablets into the classroom and in fact, there are multiple apps designed to complement the work of teachers who dictate these classes. The development of apps on Android (and iOS) in recent years has seen significant improvements. Now, for every topic, everyone can choose more than one app and most of them are free. Various applications related to education seem to spoil every student and even for areas that have been lacking online support. In areas such as Physical Education, there are also some specific alternatives for work in this area and above all, there are millions of applications designed especially for physical conditioning and training of certain sports. However, as the goal is not to promote a sedentary lifestyle through the screens, but on the contrary, it is important to know that these applications are not to connect students, but to enrich the work of teachers and physical activity as such. Applications designed for PE class can serve – if used creatively – as a perfect complement to physical activity within the classroom.   From above explanation, we already know that the Internet Age makes almost all things easy, including almost all academic activities. Not just limited to the education-related mobile apps, today every student can seek help for their essay from the Internet. For example, if they have difficulty writing a research paper, one of the best ways for them is to visit EssayShark. In other words, Internet, especially the Mobile apps, has become an integral part of our lives.