Over the years the time that it took for a website page to load did not matter. Maybe it was because the computers and mobile devices that were used back then were a bit slower than the ones that are used nowadays. In this day and age, people give first priority to websites that load at lightning speed. A slow loading speed means that you will experience a high number of bounce rate, which translates to low conversions. The search engines including Google and Bing are also using these criteria when ranking websites. If your pages take ages to load, your website will rank poorly in the search results. This puts your business on the losing end because most internet users don’t go past the first page of search results.    Google recently announced that they will be rolling out their first mobile index. This means that each business that seeks to improve its visibility on the internet will need to have two versions of their content: one for PC and another for mobile. Since most internet users browse using mobile devices, it’s obvious that the search engines will give more attention to content that’s accessible using various devices. Such sites will, therefore, have more chances of making it to the top of search engine rankings. If your site can only be accessed by desktop users, you should consider consulting Gold Mind Digital because they have deep knowledge of SEO.    Regardless of how aggressive you market your business, it’s the reputation of your brand that will determine whether your business will rank high or low. In fact, the search engines will reserve the first page for businesses that have succeeded in maintaining positive brand reputation. This means that the search engines will comb through your content to see if there are links from external sources. Websites that have multiple external links will have an edge because it means they are trusted by many people. This will actually convince the masses to stick with the businesses that are listed in the first page of search results due to the fact that they have passed the test of legitimacy.    Unlike in the past, when people were not concerned about cybersecurity, nowadays it’s a priority. This is because there are many people that have fallen to the traps that are set by cyberspace criminals. And as a result, people are reluctant in visiting websites that don’t guarantee the security of their personal details. The search engines have actually taken advantage of this security concern to determine how websites are ranked in search results. In 2019 and probably years to come, the first page of search engine results will be dominated by the most secure online platforms. Google, in particular, notifies internet users when a website is not safe so that they can be extra vigilant.    The search engines have been revolutionized to allow people to search for information using their voice. Research shows that this latest development has been widely accepted in various parts of the world. This is because the masses perceive voice search to be more efficient and convenient than typing manually. As a webpreneur, you should ensure you pick keywords that will be easily detected by voice search robots. For best ranking results, you should avoid using jargons and slang in your content.  Besides that, you should use the right structured data markup and have your venture added in Google My Business list.