One amazing thing about infographics is how quickly they can become popular and go viral. At this rate, infographics can reach an unlimited amount of traffic with a push of a button. As we know only infographics can do this and nothing comes close. Which is why if you have an amazing thought or a product to offer you should definitely covert it to an infographic, that will be shared all over the net. To achieve a viral infographic you must first know what to avoid. Here are some common traps.  

1. Wordiness and Fluff

Copying content in an infographic is a huge mistake and should be avoided. The goal when creating an infographic is not to write an article, but to create a picture that represents a thousand words. Viewers who like to look at infographics want to see clever to the point information and nothing else. If they wanted more content they would open up an article and get content there. The main factor of an infographic is to tell a story with key elements of information. However, you can use bullet points or short sentences, but make sure they look good when reading. Furthermore, when creating infographics it is a must to always use facts. If there is no way to back up your images with hard facts then you are throwing fluff to the audience. Providing false content will always lead to negative reviews and unhappy readers. How do you expect users to share content they find untruthful?  

2. Not Knowing the Audience

There is no point in starting the project without having thought of the target audience, consider who you want to target first. For a business strategy to work it must be aimed to the right people, which is the reason why most infographics fail – they target the wrong audience. You can create the best infographic with the most beautiful design, but if it’s not targeted towards the correct audience then your infographic will not be shared as much. Firstly ask yourself these questions:

What audience are you trying to reach?How can you find these people on the internet?Where will they be able to see the infographic?

Find out the answer to the questions above and you will know which steps to take when it comes to the infographic. Thus, you will have an understanding of what to include and what not to include, as well as how to popularize the product.  

3. Underestimating the Power of the Design

Although using templates seems like a great idea for those of you who do not have the time to create your own. In actuality using templates is not a good idea, what seems to be hot right now can become unpopular by the time you create your own. It’s fairly simple, if you want a high-quality infographic that will be shared on the internet you will need to make it yourself. However, we’re not saying that using templates is a guaranteed failure, but there are some bad designs people fall for. Furthermore, a template may be successful for one great idea, but terrible for another. Every idea needs its own unique design, which promotes the main points correctly. How do you pick a great infographic design? First, consider the target audience, what do they like to see? Maybe they enjoy more pictures and less writing or it could be the complete opposite. Don’t make the project overcrowded with too much content but keep it simple. Look at the story bit by bit make sure not leave out key parts, otherwise, the infographic will be lesser quality.  

4. One Size Does Not Fit All

There is no image that will work for every idea you have. Not even one infographic design or template can fit all ideas. Knowing this information, you need to consider what’s the most important piece of content you need to show. We’re not only speaking of the design of the infographic but also when you create it, does it actually fit on the platform you are promoting it on. A great example is Instagram, they require square images. Instagram isn’t the only platform with limitations, each social media site is mainly about one thing. Facebook is about entertainment and communication, Pinterest is about inspiring others through images. Therefore, you need to know what you can upload for maximum potential. The one size fits all doesn’t work for infographics, you must be creative.  

5. No Call to Action

Viewers won’t take action if you don’t ask them to, they will read the content and leave the page all because you didn’t ask them to give you something in return. Don’t think of this as annoying the reader, but as a little nudge for them to share the content if they liked it. Viewers love sharing content all over the internet to their friends and families and social media sites make this extremely easy. Provide them with the chance to do so with a call to action, in fact, most readers forget to share content, which is why you must remind them. There are many ways to handle the call to action part it all depends on what you need. You can ask for the audience to like, share, comment, follow your brand or even buy a product from you. In addition, you can choose where the call to action is going to be, whether it’s on the image itself or in the description underneath it.    


There are many strategies when it comes to creating an infographic. First focus on the mistakes you can make and avoid them as much as possible. Use the advice in this article to help you create a viral infographic the will be shared all over the internet.