Image Credit: Pexels We present this article today in hopes that it helps bloggers to set up their accounts as early as now. Downloading these essentials WordPress plugins today allows bloggers – both newbies and veterans – to focus on the biggest and most important part of blogging, which is producing quality content. Here are some of the best and essential WordPress plugins every blog should have no matter the niche or target audience.   Your blog is bound to get popular as time goes by. Your high-quality content will attract visitors from all over the world. But, “with great power comes great responsibility,” you will also charm those pesky spam commenters that flood your dashboard and email. If you do not wish to wake up to 100 spam comments in the morning, download Akismet today. You’ll find it easier to sleep at night knowing someone (or something) is guarding your blog against these irritating spam comments.   Admit it, not every blogger out there is a coding wizard who can whip CSS and HTML codes out of thin air. That’s why, if you’re looking for a way for your readers (and fans, of course) to reach you without the need of a Master’s degree in coding, then Contact Form 7 is for you. It is straightforward, simple, and easy to use. You can even place the ‘Contact Me’ form in any page or post you like and customize it any way you wish without losing your sanity.   Arming your blog site with a 26-character password won’t keep those persistent hackers from eventually breaking in. It is for this reason that WordFence Security was built and made available for bloggers. WordFence Security comes with various security measures to block nasty networks from getting in, scan for site vulnerabilities, and even block specific IP addresses. Imagine a security personnel that protects your blog 24 hours a day and seven days a week. That’s what it does, and more. And this is why most bloggers use it.     Nowadays people share things from the Internet and go viral in no time. If you are aiming for visibility, you should provide an easy way for your readers to share your content without having to leave your blog. Simple Social Share allows visitors to share your content on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media networks with just one tap, or click. Download this plugin today and wait for your posts to go viral and watch your blog’s traffic to skyrocket.     Managing your blog can get a little overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to hurt your brains. Jetpack is an all-in-one plugin that lets you access your blog’s insights and traffic, optimize image files that eat up your bandwidth, and fight spam comments and logins, and much more. There are over three million bloggers who are using this plugin right now. There is no wonder how it has helped many newbie and veteran bloggers manage their sites with no sweat.  

Over to you

Here are some of the essential WordPress plugins anyone who has a blog should download today. Do you have any other plugins in mind that deserve to be on the list? Let us know in the comments section!