Organizations working remotely or having a large number of people at various levels often struggle to maintain effective communication. How employees and management interact with each other is vital for business process clarity and execution. In times like today where more companies are working remotely than ever, it is imperative to communicate clearly to achieve corporate goals. It is effective communication in an organization that helps in fostering a good workingrelationship between team members. There is no doubt that communication improves businessperformance. When there is no misunderstanding or confusion, people can focus better on theirtasks and produce better outputs, this can be only achieved if there is ample and clearcommunication between teams. Good communication is the key to ensure higher collaboration and availability amid team members. When people can communicate with ease and there is a platform for open dialogue, team members can pitch-in their ideas and brainstorm better. As 2020 advances, remote work culture continues to grow. Managing remote work efficiently has become the need of the hour. The right set of remote communication tools can offer much-needed flexibility toentrepreneurs, team managers, and architects. The productivity level can go up significantlythrough the right tools. Through effective communication with remote tools, organizations cansupercharge their workflows, make processes more transparent, and ensure equal participationof everybody. Team morale can also be boosted. Remote work can sometimes be daunting forteam members because the human-to-human interaction is missing. They crave for areaconnection with team members and may adversely impact the morale of team members. Videoconferencing is an amazing option to keep everybody engaged and ensure equal participation

In this article, we will talk about tools to communicate that will simplify your work and help you keep your teams productive and engaged.


One of the most widely used communication platforms by teams working remotely, Slack is thefirst choice for many organizations. On Slack, employees can connect with each other, ginstant feedback, connect with clients as well, both in groups and one-on-one. Being a SaaS(Software as a Service) application, you don’t need to install Slack on your machine. Slack canbe accessed from anywhere around the world on your smartphones, tablets, and laptopsregardless of the operating system. Slack is a great tool to aid team communication &ensurehigher coordination and collaboration between peers. The application has successfully replaced the need for unwanted emails. Gone are the days when you had to send an email to get every tiny detail. Slack works like a chat messenger where people can instantly connect without wasting their time and resources. You can even share files on Slack. Moreover, programming scripts can be shared as well since Slack supports GitHub.

Google Meet:

Often comes the time when face to face communication becomes a necessity. Google Meet isone of the most light-weight and secure online video conferencing tools in the market. GoogleMeet provides superior communication for business meetings. There is no plugin to install, thetool is absolutely online and can be accessed from anywhere. The tool provides acomprehensive range of control to the meeting admin. You can selectively let people in the meeting and can remove them as well. Admin controls have become much better recently. The user interface is very simple and a treat to eyes. Unlike other video conferencing tools, Google Meet lets you annotate the shared screen which comes handy in business meetings. There are platforms where the video conference calls have been capped at 40-minutes time or so. On Google Meet, you can enjoy uninterrupted communication.


PowerPoint has been around for a long time. Almost every corporate meeting is backed by aPowerPoint presentation due to its ability to showcase content visually. PowerPoint facilitatesimproved office communication as it lets the presenter stick to facts and data associated withthe topic, it ensures higher collaboration amidst the audience and it’s appealing too. Aprofessional PowerPoint design can help you clearly communicate facts, figures, and data to theaudience. is one of the biggest providers of readymade PowerPoint templatesin the market. You can easily download a suitable template for your presentation in no time.These templates come handy with graphs and charts, this makes it easy for you to project facts & numbers which your remote teams can interpret.SlideModel also provides PowerPointbackgrounds, diagrams, and shapes for better illustration of content for your audience.

Microsoft Teams:

Microsoft Teams provides state of the art remote communication features such as company-wide chat, integration with existing business applications and customized chat and workspaceOrganizations have started migrating to Microsoft Teams for their superior range of services.You are no longer required to send an email to someone every-time you want to update. Youcan simply direct a message to them, share files, and schedule meetings simultaneously. Moreover, Microsoft has integrated Word, SharePoint, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive, OneNote,Teams under the same roof. So, when you use Teams, you can seamlessly access exceldocuments, word files, coding scripts, etc. These can be stored and fetched from OneDrive withadded ease. In a nutshell, Microsoft Teams has tried its best to curb communicationmismanagement and ensure everybody is on the same page. When working remotely, effective communication is necessary to maintain a strong workingrelationship and develop understanding between a company and its employees. Utilizing theright set of technology can help managers to define goals, expectations clearly and also ensurebusiness growth due to higher collaboration between professionals.