It has become necessary to remain connected to with the people and have latest information to keep pace with the fast changing world. The businesses in order to gain a competitive edge need to remain updated with the latest technical developments taking place and remain informed about the same. Organizations make huge investments to make sure that they follow the best and latest innovations and make the most out of it. But the investments in its security normally take a backseat while planning for implementing latest innovations taking place. Numerous hackers worldwide keep looking for any vulnerability which may help them to have access to the data of the organizations to exploit the organization. Organizations over the world suffer losses of Billions of dollars in such attacks. Whenever such news surface the news, hamper the consumer’s trust in the organization. This in turn can incur heavy losses to the organization and lead to the loss of the customers. 2016 was the most worrisome year for the organizations as a number of data attacks made headlines. Various technology giants like Yahoo, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Twitter too were the victims of such attacks. Some of the data attacks were old and was reported in 2016. Keeping these in mind the businesses need to pay special attention to the safety and security of their data. Then several steps can be taken so that the data do not fall in the wrong hands.  

What security practices must be followed by the organizations in 2017?


  In order to make sure that the data of the organization is safe and secure and is not exploited by hackers, you need to follow certain security parameters to make sure that your data remain safe and secure. Several methods were implemented by the business owners which did not prove out to be successful in 2016. So in 2017 some extra steps need to be taken to make sure that you do not suffer from such security breaches. The methods need to be as per according to the latest technological innovations.  

Provide your business the best data security:

It is recommended to choose the best data security option available in the market. Before buying any data security service a thorough investigation must be conducted about different products and the best ones must be chosen. This might prove useful in the long run. McAfee provides the best business data security which stands out amongst the rest. It is also recommended to keep a backup of your data at all times so that even in case of attacks it can be easily recovered thereby reducing the losses.

Hire and retain the best security professionals:

Hire the best security professionals who are proficient in their field. They can help you protect your organization data from any security threats and help you devise appropriate measures to keep it safe and secure. You must also make sure that they remain updated about the latest security trends and latest security threats. Also help them to learn about the latest trends by sending them to the seminars and training programs.

Make sure that innovation and security go side by side:

In order to make new innovation, you must make sure that the security is not hampered in any way. Proper testing must be done while implementing a new technology and working with them. In case of any vulnerabilities, these must be resolved as quickly as possible or the innovation plan must researched more before implementation.

Keep a track of all the devices that have access to your organization:

Keep a track of the devices that have access to the organization. It has been found out that in some cases the lost phones, or laptops can be used to extract data and resources.

Keep your IoT devices updated:

It is necessary to keep your IoT devices updated and comply with the latest security trends. IoT devices hacks are expected to increase in the coming years as it would lead to a wide range of data hacks. Apart from following these steps you also need to have knowledge of the latest security trends and security threats encountered. By following these steps you can rest assured that you do not fall a victim to the data security in 2017.